Coverage of the 44th Annual Dakota Conference in the Argus Leader

Here are some links to articles on, and photos of, the 44th Annual Dakota Conference that was held this weekend at Augustana College.  The theme was Wounded Knee 1973.  Unsurprisingly, Russell Means’ comments and keynote address got the most coverage.  The highlight for me was a panel on Native Women’s role in Wounded Knee, which included presentations by Professor Elizabeth Castle, Marcella Gilbert, and Danyelle Means.  I also really enoyed a talk by Professor Emerita Elizabeth Cook-Lynn and a talk and poetry reading by Allison Hedge Coke and Renee Sans Souci.  Finally, a panel discussion by Dennis Banks, Clyde Bellecourt, and Senator James Abourezk was very illuminating, as was a talk by journalist Kevin McKiernan, who covered the occupation from the inside for NPR. 





4 thoughts on “Coverage of the 44th Annual Dakota Conference in the Argus Leader

  1. mahtolaw April 30, 2012 / 12:44 pm

    If you are from SD or have worked n SD Indian Country you know there is no denial that AIM and it’s leaders made a huge positive impact for Native people. The pride AIM brought can never be measured, the Thunder heart was awakened. AIM stood up to the powers that be; were they perfect no, but they ignited Native Pride across Indian Country. Pilamaya, Russell, Dennis & Clyde and Vernon.

  2. Joe Wade May 2, 2012 / 11:44 am

    After John Trimbach’s presentation at the Dakota Conference, the senator went off on quite a rant, afterwards he is smiling away and shaking hands with Bellecourts sidekick that was seated next to Clyde. Imagine that, a senator in such delight with the likes of; In January 1986, Clyde Bellecourt was arrested, along with a group of Indian and non-Indian associates, in possession of an estimated $125,000 worth (5.000 “hits”)of LSD and other “hard” drugs (cocaine).
    note: Bellecourt tried to justify his act of drug dealing , saying he did it for AIM , makes me wonder about the Senator now.

  3. mahtolaw May 3, 2012 / 3:00 pm

    I agree dealing drugs is never a good thing. Yet, that fact does not change the reality that was Pine Ridge in 1973. Dick Wilson and the GOONS. strong arm tactics and intimidation backed by our Federal Government , FBI & then SD State AG Janklow. What role did AIM play we cannot say first hand unless you were there. To me it is still an amazing point in our history,
    armored personnel carriers, attack helicopters, boots on the ground…All directed to an internal political organization.

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