Wenona Singel: “Indian Tribes and Human Rights Accountability”

Our own Wenona T. Singel has posted her paper, “Indian Tribes and Human Rights Accountability,” on SSRN. The San Diego Law Review recently published it.

Here is the abstract:

In Indian country, the expansion of self-governance, the growth of the gaming industry, and the increasing interdependence of Indian and non-Indian communities have intensified concern about the possible abuse of power by tribal governments. As tribes gain greater political and economic clout on the world stage, expectations have risen regarding the need for greater government accountability in Indian country. Despite these expectations, Indian tribes are largely immune from external accountability with respect to human rights. In fact, tribes have effectively slipped into a gap in the global system of human rights responsibility. The gap exists in the sense that tribal governments are not externally accountable in any broad sense for abuses of human rights that they commit. The failure of the legal system to provide for tribal accountability for human rights produces serious harms for Indian tribes and their polities. In this Article, I argue that the conventional understanding of tribal sovereignty must be reformed to reflect the transformative international law principle that all sovereigns are externally accountable for human rights violations. I then offer a proposal based on tribal accountability and respect for tribal sovereignty. I propose that tribes develop an intertribal human rights regime that includes the formation of an intertribal treaty recognizing tribal human rights obligations and establishing an intertribal institution with the capacity to enforce human rights violations. An intertribal human rights regime offers the best possible method for providing external accountability for tribal abuses of human rights. It allows tribes to address human rights violations without relying upon solutions supplied or imposed by the federal government. It also allows tribes to articulate and interpret universal human rights in light of their cultural, philosophical, spiritual, political, and social perspectives, and it allows them to develop effective and culturally appropriate institutional enforcement mechanisms.

You may recall that Michigan State Law Review hosted a symposium on Wenona’s paper. We will post those papers as soon as they’re published.

5 thoughts on “Wenona Singel: “Indian Tribes and Human Rights Accountability”

  1. Helen N March 28, 2013 / 1:28 pm

    I think the premise of this article is right on and it is time for this discussion!

  2. Erick March 28, 2013 / 1:48 pm

    “I propose that tribes develop an intertribal human rights regime that includes the formation of an intertribal treaty recognizing tribal human rights obligations and establishing an intertribal institution with the capacity to enforce human rights violations.”

    Sounds good, but I don’t see it happening to give a remedy to the thousands of victims of unethical tribal disenrollments.

  3. Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree March 28, 2013 / 8:57 pm

    And, other unethical treatment, behavior/law making affecting 1st Nations people, that needs to be reviewed, since there was little over sight over the lawmakers, & conflict of interest in many of the cases that can be proven.
    In many of these types of cases in South Dakota, there was little care at all for human rights or fair treatment of native people.

  4. Helen N March 29, 2013 / 12:45 pm

    As your post eludes, disenfranchisement or injustice comes in many forms. Unjust and quite possibly baseless tribal disenrollments are not only unethical but should be illegal.

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