Gordon Henry, Matthew Fletcher, and Paul Stebleton at SSML This Thursday

Each year, we three gather to perform a reading at the annual conference of the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature — a panel annually titled “In the Valley of the Shadow of the North.” In year one, we read poetry. Year two, short fiction. Last year, year three, creative nonfiction. And now we’re reading scripts. Please join us at the Kellogg Center here in East Lansing if you have 90 minutes to kill. The symposium agenda is here.

We’re on this Thursday, at 2:15 to 3:45.

Drama: In the Valley of the Shadow of the North: Year Four Michigamme Room
Moderator: Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Gordon Henry (Michigan State University) “Title TK”
Matthew L.M. Fletcher (Michigan State University) “Leonard and the Senator”
Paul Stebleton (Lake Ann, Michigan) “Bigfoot Pie”