Fall 2013 Issue of the American Indian Law Journal Available

Here (PDF):

Asserting Treaty Rights to Harness the Wind on the Great Lakes Gerald Carr
An American Indian Supreme Court Eugene R. Fidell
The Utility of Amicus Briefs in the Supreme Court’s Indian Cases Matthew L.M. Fletcher
The unextinguished Militia Power of Indian Tribes Seth Fortin
Tribal Advocacy and the Art of Dam Removal: The Lower Elwha Klallam and the Elwha Dams Julia Guarino
Until Yesterday: Deterring and Healing the Cyclical Gender-Based Violence in Indian Country Samantha Ivette Morales
The Washington State Indian Child Welfare Act: Putting the Policy Back Into the Law William N. Smith and Richard T. Okrent
Native American Winters Doctrine and Stevens Treaty Water Rights: Recognition, Quantification, Management Rachael Paschal Osborn
Political Cooperation and Procedural (In)Justice: A Study of the Indian Reorganization Act Sam Thypin-Bermeo