Update in South Dakota ICWA Class Action — Is Judge Davis Concealing Evidence?

Here are new pleadings in Oglala Sioux Tribe v. Van Hunnik (D.S.D.):

99 Judge Davis Response

100 Oglala Sioux Tribe Reply Brief

An excerpt:

Plaintiffs possess a document that strongly suggests that Judge Davis is concealing information prejudicial to his case. If Plaintiffs are correct, then the Court will need to determine whether that document and the brief that Plaintiffs are filing under seal should be unsealed, whether any sanctions against Judge Davis are warranted, and whether Judge Davis should be ordered to disclose any other incriminating evidence that he may be concealing. For now, Plaintiffs will respond to Judge Davis’s brief as if the injurious evidence that Plaintiffs have in their possession does not exist and will await the Court’s ruling on that matter.

101 Oglala Sioux Tribe Motion To File Under Seal

OST’s second motion to compel is here.


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