Blast from the Past: 2009 MSU ILPC Report on the History of Michigan Tribal-State Relations

Five years ago, we at MSU conducted a study of what became an oral history of modern Michigan tribal-state relations under a contract with the National Congress of American Indians. Our former students did all the work — Alicia Ivory, Adrea Korthase, and Sheena Oxendine. For whatever reason, we never published the paper on our occasional paper website. The students interviewed many of the major players in tribal-state relations from the 2000s and before, including John Wernet, Jim Bransky, and Kathryn Tierney on the 2007 inland consent decree; Mike Petoskey and Kathryn Tierney on Michigan Court Rule 2.615; and Bill Brooks and John Wernet on the Michigan tribal-state tax agreements.

Here it is in its full glory, “Tribal-State Relations: Michigan as a Case Study”:

Michigan Tribal-State Intergovernmental Relations