NLRB Declines Jurisdiction over Chickasaw Nation Casino Due to Interference with Treaty Rights

Here is the board’s decision:

Board Decision

An excerpt:

At issue in this case is whether an Indian tribe, the Chickasaw Nation, in its capacity as operator of the WinStar World Casino, is subject to the Board’s jurisdiction and, if so, whether it violated Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act by informing casino employees that because of the Nation’s tribal sovereignty, they did not have the protection of the Act. Applying the test established by the Board in San Manuel Indian Bingo & Casino, 341 NLRB 1055 (2004), enfd. 475 F.3d 1306 (D.C. Cir. 2007), we find that application of the Act would abrogate treaty rights, specific to the Nation, contained in the 1830 Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek. As a result, we decline to assert jurisdiction over the Nation, the Respondent here.

Materials here:

Chickasaw Position Statement

NLRB Position Statement

Joint Motion and Exhibits