66 Grand Ronde Treaty Descendants Judicially Disenrolled

Here are the materials in Alexander v. Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde:

At request of counsel for the plaintiffs (see statement below), we have removed these docs:

To Whom It May Concern:
At the behest of the Grand Ronde Tribal Government’s legal counsel, we have removed from our firm’s social media pages any links to certain legal briefs which were sealed under the Grand Ronde Tribal Court’s order issued in September of 2014.  We ask that you likewise remove any legal briefs from your pages.  We regret the inadvertent disclosure of these legal briefs.

2 thoughts on “66 Grand Ronde Treaty Descendants Judicially Disenrolled

  1. Lloyd September 2, 2015 / 12:58 pm

    306 We BeLoNg…

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