Current Issue of the American Indian Law Review


Vol. 40, No. 2 (2015-2016)

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Competing Visions of Appellate Justice for Indian Country: A United States Court of Indian Appeals or an American Indian Supreme Court – Eugene R. Fidell


The Promise Zone Initiative and Native American Economic Development: Only the First Step Forward Toward the Promise of a Brighter Future – James Hall

Human Trafficking Among Native Americans: How Jurisdictional & Statutory Complexities Present Barriers to Combating Modern-Day Slavery – Maggie Logan

A Pretty Smart Answer: Justifying the Secretary of the Interior’s “Seminole Fix” for the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act – Austin R. Vance
Special Feature

Winner, Best Appellate Brief in the 2016 Native American Law Student Association Moot Court Competition – Ashley Akers & Maureen Orth